Regenesis Reno is working with the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency (TMRPA) and real estate experts to determine the best parcels for building the first 10,000 units of new homes, including missing middle housing, within TMRPA’s Scenario 4: Infill. Missing middle housing includes anywhere from two to fifty units.
This means duplexes, townhomes and small apartment complexes. It’s called “missing” because in Western Nevada, and in most jurisdictions across the country, it’s hard to find and zoning isn’t there to support it. The TMRPA’s Truckee Meadows Housing Study published in December 2016 is the foundational document informing subsequent planning for housing.
The 2019 Truckee Meadows Regional Plan includes four scenarios. The scenarios illustrate where 43,000 additional housing units within 40-acre hexagons could be built to accommodate the example of a growth in population of 100,000. Scenarios are mapped on Page 2 of the Executive Summary
The TMRPA’s (Scenario 4) Infill Plan:
Emphasizes policies that encourage growth to go to already developed areas
Maximizes the use of small lots and promotes a mix of uses
Seeks to identify infrastructure challenges in areas deemed suitable for infill redevelopment and increased density
Allows changes to existing zoning
Using the TMRPA’s approach to create Scenario 4, we will determine the optimal locations for the next 10,000 units and what housing types are ideal using a parcel-by-parcel methodology. Included in this analysis will be a very concentrated analysis identifying the optimal 10,000 units to be built in the Mixed Use Core Area illustrated in dark blue on Page 4 of the Executive Summary. The Mixed Use Core Area can be analyzed at a finer level of detail here. After clicking move the map towards the left, then zoom in and click on Virginia Street in Midtown Reno. Further zooming in reveals the map at the parcel level. We will then go forward to achieve the eventual goal of completely covering Western Nevada with similar 10,000 unit scenarios. We will recruit developers for these projects locally and out-of-state by creating prospectuses for investment in packages of specific opportunities. Many experts and stakeholders will be deployed to detail ways to overcome barriers to rapidly break ground.