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This Plant Will Never Be Built

Good morning. My name's Gordon with Regenesis Reno. And first of all, full disclosure, I've been participating in the Burning Amen event since 2015. I lived in Garlock for six months, uh, in 2018, and I own 40 acres half hour north of Garlock on, uh, route 4 47 headed towards Cedarville. Uh, I'd like to tell you I'm a big fan of geothermal solutions to our energy crisis.

I'm also a big fan of, or. As a responsible company, and, uh, I know some of you better than others, and as is the case with, uh, commissioner Clark and Commissioner Hermann, um, we don't always agree on things, but we do, uh, uh, agree on. Uh, several other things. So I'd like you to say, as a self-identified progressive, I believe in the power of change to further the goals of social and environmental justice, yet as a new outsider, only here since 2017, I've learned to balance that change with the preservation of the western heritage of my neighbors who've been here for.

Generations. You, you guys have shared this land for generations. I've only been here for six years and there must be a balance and I really urge all five of you who, uh, can vote on this to send a very frank and direct message to the managers at Ormont. And that message is, this plant will never be.

My understanding is that from an engineering perspective, Garlock is the best location in Washoe County, uh, for a plant in terms of cost and production. Uh, however, the problem is that, um, in that equation you have to add community support and community opposition, and. I've just come back from the Bay. I know a lot of people in tech and there's an overlap with, um, burning Man, as you know.

There will be a limitless source of funds of people and energy, uh, to stop this plant. Uh, there are 6,550 square miles in Washoe. Only 150 square miles are in Reno and Sparks. I am certain there is somewhere out of the remaining 6,400 square miles that has a better location, uh, than Garlock. So please think in terms of for the sake of the people of Garlock, for the sake of the people of Washoe County, and most of all, for the sake of the stockholders in Ormat who shouldn't waste their money.

Please kill this project as soon as you can. Just tell them it's over. Thank you.

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